Monday, March 14, 2011


              This is a photo that I took and then edited in Photoshop. I took this photo one day in class when we went on a nature walk on our campus. To edit it, I first used threshold to convert the photo into two colors: black and white. Then, I created a new layer. For this blank layer, I selected the color brown as my background. Using the magic wand tool, I selected everything that was white in my first layer and I deleted it. Everything that was white was now brown because of the layer behind it. Next, I used a gradient on my picture. A gradient creates a gradual blend between multiple colors. I selected the gradient tool and dragged it diagonally across my picture. I tried using different colors until I found one that looked good with my picture. When I found a gradient that I liked, I adjusted the hue and saturation. This allows you to change the colors in an image, by making them lighter or darker. When I was finished editing my photo, I flattened the image, meaning I combined the two layers into one layer. Then I saved it as a picture.

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